HOFEX, Wanchai, Hong Kong - 07/10 May 2019

The second week of May, from the 7th to the 10th, will see one of the world’s largest FOOD sector fairs, HOFEX, opening its doors. Giorik will also be amongst the exhibiting companies taking part in the event, which will be staged at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center located in the heart of Wanchai, which continues to be one of the largest and most functional trade fair premises in Asia. The Italian company will be taking part in the fair alongside Pacific Foodservice Equipment Co. Ltd of HK, its business partner in South East Asia. Upwards of 50,000 visitors are expected, both from the Hong Kong region and also, to a greater extent, from the rest of the Asian continent. As ever, Hong Kong remains a hub for international trade between East and West. One need only consider that already in 2005, Hong Kong was the city with the most general consulates in the world, totalling 107. New York, home of the United Nations, numbered “just” 93.


Fair: Hofex

Distributor: Foodservice Equipment Co. Ltd